Hello, summer...

Mem day weekend was an absolute dream - what I hope the rest of the summer turns out to be: lazy afternoons relaxing in the hammock with Mr. P, BBQing with friends, strawberry shortcakes, and mini roadtrips in the zipcar. I'm keeping it short and sweet and letting the photos do the talkin... can't wait til the weekend again!
doin the dishes and preppin for the BBQ
there were no losers in the macaroni and cheese bake-off
everyone's grubbin
the chef/pitmaster hard at work...
it was all smiles all day...

who can blame him?way to cap off the night... coffee patrón?

Monday afternoon walking to world financial center:

newly opened playground on west thames st.
no girls, i don't live here...
dallas, taking a mini break as we enjoy lobster rolls from ed's lobster bar
watching a couple pickup games
dallas has pretty good pickup too...
typical nyc photo opp - in front of graffitti lol